Monday 13 June 2011

Just a bit of harmless country photography :P

I've just found a small selection of photographs on my Nans computer which I must have taken last summer time I think, all from various places but I have just uploaded 2 unedited photographs to give you all a little sneak peak of some more of my photography as well as the fact that due to the fact I am not on my own laptop I cannot get to any of my photographs...

These two images are I think taken from one of the shoots I did during my first year of studying GCSE photography, our theme was messages but you were able to choose an inner theme in which mine was ' Messages influenced by natural forms' which all co-relates to the images to the right and below if you think about it.

They were both taken in a local area near my house which is only about a ten minute walk away from where I live which is convenient because whenever the weather id good and if I have nothing to do then I can just take a small trek over there and take a couple of snaps to pass the time, some may come out well some may not...

I haven't edited these photos because I didn't really have much time but I think they look quite good and effective anyway and don't really need to be edited, which is quite surprising really because i always generally find a flaw about my photographs and have to edit them to make then look a bit better. However, for these i thought it would be more effective and also as i rarely show my 'unedited' photographs i thought it would be nice for you all to see what they look like before they 'go under the knife' or so to speak... :)

More posts, tutorials and blog updates soon, comment and follow :)xoxo

Friday 10 June 2011

Cornwall Coast...

This photograph was taken in the summer of 2008 when i went on holiday to Cornwall, it was when i began to realise i had a passion for photography. I have taken this photograph using my old Olympus Digital Camera, which unfortunately was only 7.0 mpx camera with a very limited optical zoom but at the time i suppose it was considered a rather good camera.....

As you can see this photo has been edited like all of my others i have posted on here (i pretty much always edit my photos, just think they look better. ) I have used both Adobe Photoshop and Picnik '''' .
PICNIK - I have edited the image using Picnik by going onto the tab called 'Edit' on the top tool bar of the screen. I have then picked the tool called 'Colours' and moved the 'Temperature' bar down slightly to around -50 to emphasise the blue colours in the photograph.(Be careful not to play around with it too much or it will turn your whole image blue or red depending on whether you drag the bar up or down, but if that's the effect your looking for then go for it !) I have also used the picnik site to change the exposure of the image slightly to give the photograph brightness which also is a good way to emphasise colour. Do do this you have to go onto the 'Edit' tab, then click 'Exposure' then move the exposure bar down to around -15 but to even it up you would probably need to pull the contrast bar up to about 10-15 which will even out the shading and tone and will make sure your photograph doesn't turn out too dark after changing the exposure.

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP - I haven't really used photoshop much on this image other than adding the lens flare in the top right hand corner, which is aimed to give the effect of the sun seeping through the trees which also gives the photographs a more vibrant effect as well as adds the effect of natural light and tone/ shading into the image. I cant remember off the top of my head how to add a lens flare using Photoshop but i will write a blog about how to do it soon just stay tuned. :)

This is the same photograph as before, pretty much edited the same way but i haven't changed the colour in the image, just kept it natural. I put this up on here because i have cropped the image to make it into a panoramic photograph which simply gives the photo a wider span and gives it a horizontal effect.

More blog updates, tips and photographs up soon, hope you enjoy.
Comment and follow :) xox

Micro zoom flower touch-up...

This photograph was also taken using my Sony SLR digital camera using the micro zoom setting. By using this setting you are able to take close ups on things and in return come out with wonderfully detailed photographs with lots of shade and colour variations as well.
I edited this image using a free online editing site names picnik, all you have to do is sign up. link ( )
The site is very simple and easy to use all you have to do is play about with the tools and effects it provides to get your desired image.
For this photograph i have used the exposure, colours and sharpen tools on the 'Edit' tab on the tool bar at the top of the screen. Once adjusting them to make the image have more depth and to make it more vibrant i have clicked onto the 'create' tab on the tool bar at the top of the screen and then clicked on the 'effects' button and scrolled down through the options and used the cross process filter effect to make the image more vibrant but so the effect was not too full on before saving i then pulled the fade bar down to about 50% which gave the image a lot of depth and shading.

More blog updates up soon, follow and comment with your responces :) xx

Thursday 9 June 2011

Here is a little snippet and introduction to some of my photographs, below are three images in which i have taken using my Sony SLR digital camera. To take this image i wrote the text onto a standard post-it note and simply used a washing line peg to secure it to a piece of wire which has given the images great effect.

<--IMAGE 1-  This image is my favorite out of the three. I particularly like this one because of the angles and shapes it holds. Also the way that there is a slight lens flare in the image makes it more effective as well. I have used Adobe Photoshop software to edit this image, and all i have done is simply change the exposure and brightness to make the image stand out and look more vibrant and eye catching and to create the vintage look i have put a filter onto the image which is very simple to do. Just follow these 2 steps;
- Click on the 'Filter' button on the top tool bar of Photoshop.
- Just choose one of the filter options from 'Artistic- Other' to get the desired effect. (I cant remember off the top of my head which filter i used but just play about with it until you find something you like)

IMAGE 2 ---> This image is pretty much the same as the first one, i have used the same software to edit it (Adobe Photoshop) and it has also turned out to be very effective after changing the brightness and adding a slight colored filter onto it to give it the 'old/vintage' look.
(if you want to know how to do this follow the steps from the image before.)

<---IMAGE 3 - I have edited this photograph in exactly the same way that i edited the previous two, changing exposure, brightness and added a filter. It is not as close up as the previous two which i feel makes the image effective as it gives it depth and doesn't come across as being too full on as you are able to look at the different aspects of the image instead of only being able to see the main focus point of the photograph.

More photographs and tips up soon, hope you enjoy my work. Please follow. xoxo

Just an introduction :)

Hey my names Sophie and im new to the whole blogging thing :) I'd just like to share with you some of my photographs which i have taken using my Sony SLR digital camera as well as some of them have been touched up and edited using Photoshop and other editing software.I hope you enjoy my blogs and i hope that im able to help on editing techniques as well as giving inspiration on how  you can take your own photographs :) xoxo