Friday 10 June 2011

Micro zoom flower touch-up...

This photograph was also taken using my Sony SLR digital camera using the micro zoom setting. By using this setting you are able to take close ups on things and in return come out with wonderfully detailed photographs with lots of shade and colour variations as well.
I edited this image using a free online editing site names picnik, all you have to do is sign up. link ( )
The site is very simple and easy to use all you have to do is play about with the tools and effects it provides to get your desired image.
For this photograph i have used the exposure, colours and sharpen tools on the 'Edit' tab on the tool bar at the top of the screen. Once adjusting them to make the image have more depth and to make it more vibrant i have clicked onto the 'create' tab on the tool bar at the top of the screen and then clicked on the 'effects' button and scrolled down through the options and used the cross process filter effect to make the image more vibrant but so the effect was not too full on before saving i then pulled the fade bar down to about 50% which gave the image a lot of depth and shading.

More blog updates up soon, follow and comment with your responces :) xx

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