Friday 10 June 2011

Cornwall Coast...

This photograph was taken in the summer of 2008 when i went on holiday to Cornwall, it was when i began to realise i had a passion for photography. I have taken this photograph using my old Olympus Digital Camera, which unfortunately was only 7.0 mpx camera with a very limited optical zoom but at the time i suppose it was considered a rather good camera.....

As you can see this photo has been edited like all of my others i have posted on here (i pretty much always edit my photos, just think they look better. ) I have used both Adobe Photoshop and Picnik '''' .
PICNIK - I have edited the image using Picnik by going onto the tab called 'Edit' on the top tool bar of the screen. I have then picked the tool called 'Colours' and moved the 'Temperature' bar down slightly to around -50 to emphasise the blue colours in the photograph.(Be careful not to play around with it too much or it will turn your whole image blue or red depending on whether you drag the bar up or down, but if that's the effect your looking for then go for it !) I have also used the picnik site to change the exposure of the image slightly to give the photograph brightness which also is a good way to emphasise colour. Do do this you have to go onto the 'Edit' tab, then click 'Exposure' then move the exposure bar down to around -15 but to even it up you would probably need to pull the contrast bar up to about 10-15 which will even out the shading and tone and will make sure your photograph doesn't turn out too dark after changing the exposure.

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP - I haven't really used photoshop much on this image other than adding the lens flare in the top right hand corner, which is aimed to give the effect of the sun seeping through the trees which also gives the photographs a more vibrant effect as well as adds the effect of natural light and tone/ shading into the image. I cant remember off the top of my head how to add a lens flare using Photoshop but i will write a blog about how to do it soon just stay tuned. :)

This is the same photograph as before, pretty much edited the same way but i haven't changed the colour in the image, just kept it natural. I put this up on here because i have cropped the image to make it into a panoramic photograph which simply gives the photo a wider span and gives it a horizontal effect.

More blog updates, tips and photographs up soon, hope you enjoy.
Comment and follow :) xox

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